Develop Terraform code for creating and managing Google Pub/Subtopic.
Navigate to “IAM & Admin” -> click on service account
Create a service account -> Give nessary permission’s as per your requirement.
Click on Created (in my case i have created terraform service account) service account navigate to “key” -> click on “ADD KEY”
Click on create new key -> Select json file - Click on create.
Once key is created, private key will be downloaded in you local pc, rename it to key.json
provider "google" {
credentials = file("<path-to-service-account-key>")
project = "<your-project-id>"
region = "us-central1" # Update with your desired region
module "pubsub_topic" {
source = "./modules/pubsub-topic"
topic_name = "example-topic"
# modules/pubsub-topic/
variable "topic_name" {
description = "The name of the Pub/Sub topic"
type = string
resource "google_pubsub_topic" "pubsub_topic" {
name = var.topic_name
Create a workspace
Click on Version control -> select github -> authenticate it with your github account -> select github repo -> Click on Create
Once workspace is created Add variable value and save it.
Click on Start new Plan
Terraform cloud will run the plan and show to the ouptup for the same.
Now cick on apply to make changes -> it will create a pubsub topic.